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Franklin, TN 37027, USA


Used by Top Brands


How our clients succeed

Being able to control lower funnel creative at scale instead of manually editing each image leads to tremendous success. Here's what our clients have to say.

Ana Doliveira
Ana DoliveiraMarketing Manager, FlexShopper
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‘Our Genus Optimized Catalog Feed for Meta not only looks great and allows us to stand out against the competition but is also easy to use and allows us to customize hundreds of thousands of our creative at a click of a button. It has provided uplifted campaign performance across every campaign we are using in Meta and increased sales at FlexShopper while promoting brand awareness and recognition.’
Andres Szkolnik
Andres SzkolnikFounder, If This Then Data
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‘The Genus Optimized Catalog Feed allows us to turn an average catalog feed into top-performing evergreen direct response ads within the brand’s META campaign structure. Genus AI generates high-quality, branded product imagery that makes each of our brands stand out among the competition. Their turnkey solution makes it effortless to deploy a highly optimized and branded feed; we use it across our portfolio of DTC brands.’
Kristin Rose
Kristin RoseDirector of Growth, Awe Inspired
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‘We love using Genus AI’s Optimized Catalog Feed for Awe Inspired. The ability to have our brand logo on each image for the catalog ads has helped increase brand recognition and consistency across all our social media platforms. The automated image processing has also saved us time and resources, allowing us to focus on other aspects of our marketing strategy. Highly recommend!’

Rusty Koss
Rusty KossOwner, Koss Creative Brands
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‘Since turning on the Genus Optimized Catalog Feed, we haven't turned it off and I just keep rolling it out into each of our brands. It’s a simple solution that transforms thousands of product images for me instantly.’