
Create Lookalike Audiences for Facebook Ads to Boost Campaign Conversions

Enriched customer data for informed decision making

Predictive audience modelling for effective targeting

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Learn from your customer data like never before

Connect your store and your ad account with the Genus AI Growth Platform

We will enrich your customer data with thousands of data points

Use our Machine Learning models to create lookalike audiences that meet your desired business goals (e.g. high-LTV or reduced client churn)

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Genus AI Communication Archetypes

Communication Archetypes cut across the boundaries of traditional segmentation based on race, gender or age, because they combine knowledge from neuroscience, psychology of language and machine learning research.

In practical terms, Communication Archetypes benefit marketers by providing enhanced understanding of people and how to communicate with them, and allowing them to conduct innovative audience segmentation and more effective lookalike targeting.

Open Simplicity Seekers
Experimental Fun Seekers
Organized Social Contributors
Traditional Comfort Seekers
Reactive Security Seekers
Reliable Plan Makers

Open Simplicity Seekers

Spontaneous and unpredictable, these ‘go with the flow’ types are not always driven by rational arguments and generally make decisions based on their emotional and physical needs. Individuals in this archetype enjoy simple solutions to complex problems and are not motivated by perfectionism. These consumers are unlikely to be technically minded, rather seeking expert support to address issues that arise. Preferring open and adaptable schedules, they are likely to view planning in advance as constraining.

Experimental Fun Seekers

High in energy and positivity, as well as being eager to explore, these social animals are unlikely to be found anywhere sedate. Consumers in this archetype are attracted to beauty, intellectual stimulation, and social activities equally. These individuals believe in a well-rounded life, mixing experiences from a variety of areas and always looking for opportunities to share those experiences with others. They approach life with assertiveness, creativity, and confidence, never shying away and rarely trading new experiences for habit.

Organized Social Contributors

Value driven and charitable, these generous humanists frequently offer to help others, easily agree to favors, and often seek to mediate conflict between others around them. While being good listeners, cooperative, and accommodating of others’ preferences, these consumers do make plans and stick to them. Individuals in this archetype structure life around helping others, creating social cohesion, and commit to diligent personal goals that seek to organize for the benefit of the whole. Their selflessness is not indicative, however, of a passive approach to life. Rather, achievement is important to them. These consumers believe in their abilities to effectively realize their value driven ideas in the real world, whether family or globally focused

Traditional Comfort Seekers

Reserved and traditional, these quiet homemakers enjoy time alone spent on time-honored activities. When social events arise, consumers in this archetype prefer to limit the size of the group and invite only people they know well. These individuals are also less likely to be inclined toward abstract or philosophical questions, instead preferring established ways of doing things. They are unlikely to travel to exotic locales or great distances for unknown experiences. Often, these consumers engage in rhythms of life that have been passed down from their parents, inheriting tastes that could be described as ‘classic’. They view change with scepticism and find joy in historical roots.

Reactive Security Seekers

Easily worried and frequently stressed, these spontaneous uncertainty- avoiders may express their self-interest more than others due to easily feeling anxious or at risk. These worries can inhibit these consumers’ social cohesion and generosity, as they seek to find ways to bring security and safety into life. Individuals in this archetype are also less likely to plan ahead and approach uncertainty rationally, perhaps contributing to the strong reactions they experience from perceived threats. They can be less confident than others and also in ‘blue’ moods, making these people keen for experiences that lift spirits and provide safe environments.

Reliable Plan Makers

Analytical, balanced, and independent, these achievement-driven schedule lovers orchestrate life through well thought out equations. Individuals in this archetype love budgets and book vacations months or years in advance. In addition to preferences for systems, organization, and reliability, these consumers are diligent and self-confident in their abilities to carry out plans to achieve goals. Reliability, habit, and strict discipline are important to them, verging on the lifestyle of workaholics. Likely to be upset when schedules change, there must be ample logical reasoning to convince these consumers to alter the course of their planning. However, once convinced of rationality behind a change, new plans can be drawn up with detail at a quick pace. They take responsibility for their actions and have a strong sense of duty.

Communicate in an emotionally intelligent way

Learn how to identify conversion-orientated audience segments and what influences them to make the purchase decision

Stand out from the crowd by deploying the right message targeting the right audience

Increase your campaign engagement (CTR) and lower your Cost per Acquisition (CPA)

What our clients say

We provide our clients with the best practices in AI-powered audience modeling, maximizing their marketing campaigns

Kelly Arduz


Vice President Marketing

Our digital marketing ramp-up, which included an extensive use of the Genus AI Growth Platform, during the pandemic has led to the company’s best ever non-holiday month in terms of conversions

ROAS increase
CPA decrease

Mike Zapata

CLIQ Products


Genus AI developed a way to use artificial intelligence to segment customers by personality types, and to predict the content that will be most relevant to that segment of customers. We’re working with them now and it is delivering the highest ROAS of any campaign we’ve run in the last three months.

ROAS increase

Colin Roth


Head of Performance Marketing

We were able to reduce our customer acquisition costs by a third in two months and accelerate the content creation cycle by using Genus AI generated videos. We are now able to deliver new content faster and have much reduced operational complexity when creating new videos.

CPA decrease

Mike Abadi

Sunday Citizen


We are very happy about the consistency, which really stands out when you look at the Genus AI-powered campaigns. All of them exceeded 3x ROAS at a very similar CPA, which is never the case when we run various tests ourselves or use other AI marketing solutions.

ROAS increase
CPA decrease

Ryan Sandrew

Hunt a Killer

Director of Customer Acquisition

Doubling our ROAS just by being able to identify the best performing ad creatives out of thousands of user-generated content pieces is a tremendous success for us. With Genus AI, we are able to achieve better campaign performance, quicker.

ROAS increase
CPA decrease

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