
A New Kind of Marketer: The Growth Marketer

Taking into account advanced user privacy options enabled by GDPR and the upcoming Google’s ban on third party cookies, businesses have to find new ways to keep themselves relevant to their customers. How do you market to potential customers when you cannot even identify them because you do not have access to their historical activity? This is where a growth marketer can help a brand thrive.

So without further ado, let us dive right in to explore how growth marketer is different from traditional counterpart and how Artificial Intelligence (AI) tech can help.

Traditional Marketer vs. Growth Marketer

To know how a marketer is different from a traditional marketer, you must first understand what they are.

Traditional Marketer

There were times when brands use traditional marketers to spread awareness in the market and increase sales generation. Traditional marketers used the latest innovations in print media, radio, direct mail, and video commercials.

Later on, they adapted tools such as email marketing and some form of social media advertisement. The nature of the traditional marketing approach does not allow the marketers to measure their campaigns’ actual effectiveness. This is because they do not have any analytical tools to gauge the ROI.

Traditional marketers operate on a “gut-feeling” approach while conducting research, interviews, focus groups, and other market studies. If there is no sure outcome of these efforts, a traditional marketer will guess by observing other competitors’ campaigns.

Growth Marketer

Growth marketing is still in its infancy stage; however, it has vast potential to help businesses increase their sales in a cookie-less world. A growth marketer uses the power of AI technology and various platforms with spending a lot from your marketing budget.

The goal of a growth marketer varies from product development to running referral campaigns for your business. The growth marketer operates on an “experimenting” mentality as they will deploy several small yet potent experiments, also known as “hacks,” to see what does and does not work.

The purpose behind this approach is to see which marketing strategies will help your business bring in the most conversions of sales. Growth marketers are creative too, but for them, growth metric is always the top priority.

A growth marketer is also responsible for all your marketing as well as customer-related operations. They use something known as a pirate funnel or AAARRR. Let us look at what each abbreviation means.

  • Awareness to ensure that customers know about your brand’s existence
  • Acquisition is about potential leads leaving their details
  • Activation is about impressing your customers’ impeccable user experience
  • Retention brings your customers back using new strategies, features and keeping them happy
  • Revenue refers to an adequate business model to sell, up-sell, and cross-sell, etc.
  • Referral is about encouraging loyal customers to share your brand, product, or services with others.

Growth marketer uses data as their north star to ensure your marketing campaign’s stability for consistent growth. For this purpose, a growth marketer will use some of the most cutting-edge technology such as AI and machine learning tools.

How a Growth Marketer uses AI Technology

Although there are many tools and technologies in a growth marketer’s arsenal, there are three AI-based strategies that stand above all in a cookie-less world of marketing.

Customer Modeling

Customer modeling refers to understanding your customers’ behavior for future prediction. Did you know that AI technology is now capable of predicting your customers’ personality traits?

This helps a growth marketer figure out how to effectively entice your target audience in a cookie, and ad-blocking consumer behavior is on the rise. AI enables growth marketing to establish a customer-centric model to achieve ROI goals for your business via better customer identification and improved behavior prediction models.

At a higher level, growth marketers use AI learning to map your customer’s journey and create a predictive model. This helps achieve better future outcomes for every customer your business interacts with.

An AI-based customer growth platform, just like Genus AI, can enable real-time recommendations to improve your customer’s experience and determine the mood or intention of each customer.

A growth marketer may also use an AI-based self-service advisor to scan your customer’s browsing history in order to present options as per their needs. AI uses several statistical and data models to predict your customer’s future behavior based on their previous actions.

These can help generate more sales while rectifying manual lead generation and the constant struggle to retarget customers in a cookie-less world.

Content Scoring

Content scoring refers to a process to assess the potential of your marketing content. AI allows you to track each content’s performance and contribution to generate and/or convert leads. AI has become increasingly sophisticated at generating content and optimizes it based on how different customers respond to each content.

Based on this content scoring, AI also gives you formulaic advice on what time of headlines might work as “clickbait” to entice your customer into checking out your products, services, and content.

Global brands, including Forbes, use AI-generated content at some level. This is because AI-based content production is far more efficient and allows a growth marketer to scale up your content marketing and its effectiveness to attract new and existing customers.

AI-Based Video Generation

The rise of digital marketing and social media platforms has given marketers new opportunities. However, this also means you will have to choose the right kind of channels to use for your marketing campaigns. This is where video generation comes into the picture as one of the most effective strategies for a growth marketer.

Artificial Intelligence can help your business increase its efficiency in video generation strategies. You can now tailor your video content based on customers’ individual interests. The growth marketer uses AI-based data collection tactics and tools to help them understand the nature of visual content your customers engage with.

Your creative team can then use these statistics and data to generate videos that will help you attract more customers resulting in increased lead generation and sales conversion. Moreover, the data will also identify the right channels where you must promote your video content.

This will save you time and money as you will precisely market your brand on platforms where your target audience dwells.

Let the Experts Help Your Business

If you are a business struggling to grow in a cookie-less digital world, Genus AI can help you. We are the industry leaders helping direct-to-consumer (D2C) e-commerce brands harness the power of AI to increase lead generation and boost revenue. Contact us today to find out how we can help you.

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